Which Large Companies Benefit from Anti-Hemp Cannabis Campaigns

More and more people nowadays are turning to Hemp or Cannabis Sativa (more commonly known as Marijuana) for their medical concerns, and why not? Cannabis Sativa is one of the safest therapeutic substances there is. Grown properly, it can be all natural and completely safe as long as it is being used properly and responsibly. Cannabis has many benefits (not just medical) and more people are becoming aware of that.

Which Large Companies Benefit from Anti-Hemp Cannabis Campaigns

It cannot be denied however, that there are a lot of people who are still afraid of cannabis because for many years, it has been associated with a lot of negative connotations such as drug addiction. It has also been illegal for quite a long period of time. And people being wary by nature, are not easily swayed to try things that have been considered taboo for a long time. It is believed that one of the many reasons why marijuana has been considered “bad” for a long time is because of a propaganda driven by advertisements and commercials that say so. Looking back, one has to admire how effectively they made people believe them.

With the recent move to legalize the use of Cannabis, it is no surprise that many people are up in arms to stop it. With the emergence of some commercial seeds, like Weed Seed Shop, the price range has dropped dramatically. These websites are very professional, they ship in discrete envelopes, and most of them (at least Weed Seed Shop that we know of) abide by all the laws. For example: Weed Seed Shop doesn’t ship to the US, only to the UK, because in the UK it is allowed to ship seeds. But there are people who are against its legalization, and they are campaigning against it for ethical, religious, or medical reasons. There are those, however, that drive strong campaigns against the legalization of cannabis culture because they are afraid for their businesses.

Some of the biggest names in the industry that are known to drive strong campaigns against cannabis are DuPont, Anslinger, Hearst, and Mellon. Big companies such as those that are run by the big names stated above see cannabis as big competition, one that can run them to the ground. It is considered a big threat, because hemp or cannabis can be used for a lot of things and not just in the medical field. It can be used for anything from paper, to clothing, to fuel. That means it’s a huge, mostly untapped industry. Think about it. If the use of hemp is capitalized, a lot of the existing big companies will be given a run for their money.

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